ABERLOUR is a registered trademark by Chivas Bros. > Pernod Ricard, France
* * * * * The " Square " or " Cube " Bottles * * * * *
From 1957 until 1985,
Aberlour was filled into a Square or Cube bottle, mainly for the Italian market,
but also for Germany, France and the USA.
Here I will show you primarely the different fillings of
the 8 Year(s) Old and Over 8 Years Old.
Have a look for the Over 9 Years Old and the 12 Years Old fillings.
Here shown images, if not other stated, with friendly permission of
T. Krüger from www.whiskyauction.com
Please click on each image to enlarge > supersice
The following wording is quoted from the book
"The Aberlour Single Malt Whisky Collector's Guide"
Cluaran Publisher, with friendly permission of Ralf Bernhardt.
"First (known), a filling, distilled in 1957 and bottled in 1965/66 with 100 proof,
emphasing the "Glenlivet" more than the "Aberlour".
This was followed by an eight-year old Whisky stating " 8 Year Old " (not Years!)
and two Vintages from 1964 and 1965, already in a new styled label.
They have in common alcohol strength of 50 %, as well as a round neck label.
The label states "Scotch Whisky".
photograph with friendly permission of Lothar Langer

The next design change followed:
The neck labels disapeared and were replaced by a print on the plug sealing.
The label now states " Single Malt Scotch Whisky ".
Furthermore, a small but interesting point about date of establishment,
now shown as 1845 whereas the previous labels gave the date as 1828.
In between we can find some labels with no date!
In this outfit the " 1965 " and an " 8 Years old " appeared again,
this time sold with an alcohol strenght of 43 %,
photograph with friendly permission of Lothar Langer
photograph with friendly permission of Lothar Langer
The well known " Over 8 Years old " with 50 %.
These types were sold as 75 cl and 1 litre bottles.
Some 1,13 litre bottles got their labels headlong,
in order to present them in bar racks.
Some variations were given by small size differences of the label as well as by different age designations on label and plug seal or presentation box.
A small but interesting point about date of establishment,
now shown as 1845 whereas the previous labels gave the date as 1828.
In between we can find some labels with no date!
In addition, some fillings were suplied with cork stoppers,
others with screw caps in different design.
Some bottles got a round label on the top of the shoulder,
others show the supplement " An unblended all Malt Scotch Whisky "
on the main label.
photograph with friendly permission of Lothar Langer
photograph with friendly permission of Lothar Langer
photograph with friendly permission of Lothar Langer
In order to increase the turnover of a product, often there is a give-away combined to the product; with a beverage it is obviously drinking equipment.
Something to smile: Campbell's combined this advertisement strategy with a gift packing of the " Over 8 YO " in Italy.
They sold the Whisky together with two original Scottish Whisky cups.
. . . and another one
That's it for the 8 Year Old and Over 8 Year Old fillings.
Have a look for the Over 9 Years Old and the 12 Years Old fillings.